Tuesday, January 12, 2010

13 Types of Networking Groups

Not all networking groups are created equal.

I'm not saying that one type is necessarily better than any other type, but they are not equal in the sense that there is a difference in the rules of engagement and the expected returns on investment (i.e., of time, energy and money spent).

By my count, there are the 3 categories and 13 specific types of networking groups.

The three categories are as follows:
  1. Face-to-Face Business Networking Groups
  2. Business Cocktail Mixers
  3. Local Chambers of Commerce
When you add up all of the specific types of networking groups that fall under the above three categories, you'll have thirteen specific networking groups.

Let's continue.

Face-to-Face Networking Groups

  • Business Cocktail Mixers (e.g., various groups on Meetup.com)
  • Bottom Line Business Networking Groups (e.g., Business Network International; Le Tip; and Leads Club)
  • Local Chambers of Commerce
Advocacy Groups

  • Community Groups (e.g., Parents Teachers Association; Civic Associations; and Community Boards)
  • Faith-based Organizations (e.g., Churches; Synagogues; Mosques; and Temples)
  • Trade Associations (e.g., National Association of Public Accountants; and the National Court Reporters Association)
  • Women's Groups (e.g., various hybrids like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers; or the National Organization for Women)
  • Cultural Organizations (e.g., Various ethnic clubs)
  • Political Clubs (e.g., Republican Club; Green Party)
  • Special Interest Groups (e.g., Sierra Club; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Virtual Networking Groups

I recommend that serious networkers join 2 face-to-face business networking groups, 1 advocacy group, and 2 virtual groups. However, don't join more than one of the same type. Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions.

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