Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Spotlight on P-Dash Media

P-Dash Media, Inc. What a company! This is a little multi-media boutique company that is doing some big and very interesting things. Check out some of their work featuring there star, Rahiem Drinkwater.

Warning: Don't call Rahiem the "P Word" (Puppet). He really doesn't like that.

Check out some of their videos featuring Rahiem Drinkwater. These are three of my favorites.

I had the opportunity to interview Keith Patterson (aka, "Kap-er") on Wednesday, December 15th, 2010. Click on the player below to listen to the podcast.

Make sure to visit P-Dash Media's website at

Listen to internet radio with GBN on Blog Talk Radio

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What the heck is "Agent Anything?"

Sometimes you come across some really cool ads on NYC subways. Just yesterday, I saw an ad for a company called Agent Anything. I was like, "What the heck is Agent Anything?" Well, Agent Anything was created to address the needs of two groups of people: Busy, hardworking New Yorkers who don't have time to accomplish all their daily tasks or run their own errands, and College students, who want to make a bit of pocket money, but need to fit their work around hectic schedules of class, practice and more. Agent Anything brings these two groups of people together and enables them to trade their resources: a bit of busy people's money for a bit of college students' time.

On Thursday, November 18, 2010 I interviewed the President of Agent Anything, Harry Schiff to learn more about this ground-breaking concept.

Click on the player below to listen to the 15-minute interview.

Let me know what you think, okay?


Monday, September 27, 2010

Sales Pitch Palooza? What the heck?

Let's cut to the chase. People want to talk about their business, their products and services, and why you should do business with or hire them. This virtual pitch party / podcast will begin with 10 minutes of how to network and follow-up information followed by 20 minutes of blatant outright selling and solicitation (B.O.S.S.) from callers. People want to get the word out about what there selling and how their product/service is a "must-have." Those that want to strut their stuff and tell the world how hiring them as an employee or as an independent contractor is a good idea.

Tue, Sept. 21st, 2010 was the maiden voyage of the good ship the B.O.S.S. Sales Pitch Palooza.

This was the first of many to come, so give it a listen. The player is below.

All the best,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Living a Life of No Complaints

Ahhhh... Wouldn't that be a great life? Well, emPOwering NOW LLC, can make it happen for you. Michael Wolf and Mahalene Louis are teaching a universal curriculum to end the illusion of separation and empowers the heart of conscious creativity. Their mission is to empower Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where all things are possible. They are based in Austin, TX.

What I like about the "M&M Connection" (i.e., Mahlene and Michael) is that they are real people who have truly been there and done that. They are not hokey folks who are just spewing theory. For instance, Michael has a great track-record in corporate sales and, and Mahlene dedicated more than two decades of her life making the esoteric easy to understand and practical to every day living.

Folks, I got to tell you, I come across A LOT of business coaches, but Michael and Mahlene are the real deal.

There is a lot of talk about the "Law of Attraction", and "The Secret", but I'd dare say Mahlene and Michael's Mini Intro to the Path of XPR to a great primer to put a lot of things into perspective. Check out this video:

Also, make sure to visit their website at

All the best,

P.S. I had the pleasure of interviewing them on Tuesday, February 2, 2010.

Click on the player below to listen to the 60-minute interview. You can even download to your iPod or other MP3 device for listening on the go.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

13 Types of Networking Groups

Not all networking groups are created equal.

I'm not saying that one type is necessarily better than any other type, but they are not equal in the sense that there is a difference in the rules of engagement and the expected returns on investment (i.e., of time, energy and money spent).

By my count, there are the 3 categories and 13 specific types of networking groups.

The three categories are as follows:
  1. Face-to-Face Business Networking Groups
  2. Business Cocktail Mixers
  3. Local Chambers of Commerce
When you add up all of the specific types of networking groups that fall under the above three categories, you'll have thirteen specific networking groups.

Let's continue.

Face-to-Face Networking Groups

  • Business Cocktail Mixers (e.g., various groups on
  • Bottom Line Business Networking Groups (e.g., Business Network International; Le Tip; and Leads Club)
  • Local Chambers of Commerce
Advocacy Groups

  • Community Groups (e.g., Parents Teachers Association; Civic Associations; and Community Boards)
  • Faith-based Organizations (e.g., Churches; Synagogues; Mosques; and Temples)
  • Trade Associations (e.g., National Association of Public Accountants; and the National Court Reporters Association)
  • Women's Groups (e.g., various hybrids like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers; or the National Organization for Women)
  • Cultural Organizations (e.g., Various ethnic clubs)
  • Political Clubs (e.g., Republican Club; Green Party)
  • Special Interest Groups (e.g., Sierra Club; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Virtual Networking Groups

I recommend that serious networkers join 2 face-to-face business networking groups, 1 advocacy group, and 2 virtual groups. However, don't join more than one of the same type. Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Pocket Stick for Self Defense

This is a business blog but if someone attacks you and tries to liberate your property or life force from you, and you can't defend yourself or your property, well, you're SOL (i.e., "so outta luck")

In this fast-paced, at times dangerous world, it is better to be prepared for something and not need it, rather than need something and not be prepared. This is how it is when it comes to violent confrontations. Hey, most people are law-abiding citizens who will not try to hurt their fellow citizens, but then you have the bullies and jerks.

In my experience as a martial artist, most fights or assaults are not "fair". Usually someone attacks someone doesn't want to fight, or a person is caught off-guard/ambushed. Also, some sort of a weapon is used against an unarmed opponent, or it is many people against one person (i.e., someone got "jumped"). Again, this is not gospel as I leave the gospel to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but that has been what I've seen.

Well, you don't want to carry an illegal weapon like some of the exotic martial arts weapons or some knives. With knives, you especially want to leave them alone if you don't know how to properly use them!

Oh my. What to do?

Something that looks non-threating that you can carry around in your coat pocket or purse is the Yawara, also known as the Pocket Stick.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce David Bunch (a.k.a., Sensei Buddha) demonstrating and explaining the use of this weapon.

This weapon is less-than-lethal and legal to carry, but as demonstrated by Sensei Buddha, it can be a devastating. What I like about this weapon is that when I show it to some people, they laugh at it. Well, he who laughs last laughs best, right? Also, a Yawara can really mess up your smile. Kind of hard to have a picture-perfect smile when you're missing a couple of teeth.

When looking for that extra edge, forget about mace and other dangerous weapons that may backfire on you and learn how to use the Yawara--the Pocket Stick.

To learn more about Sensei Buddha, visit his website at