Over the past 15 years, Brad observed a startling change in corporate America. The latest generation of workers have grown up immersed in new technologies, such as laptops, iPhones, texting, social networks and augmented reality.
This 24/7 connected, early adopter to anything technology driven has created a whole new divide, in which more and more young people are growing up as Digital Natives - comfortable using technology as their primary resource to do business - while the established older generation of Baby Boomers are using technology as their secondary resource.
Unbeknown to most, companies such as Kodak now derive 50% of their current revenue from technology that did not exist 5 years ago...technology invented by Gen Y. Brad Szollose is passionate about helping people understand the changes that are taking place right now in the 21st Century.
He is the author of LIQUID LEADERSHIP: From Woodstock to Wikipedia--Multigenerational Management Ideas That Are Changing the Way We Run Things. Make sure to visit his website at www.LiquidLeadership.com.
I had the honor and privilege of interviewing him on Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 @ 8:30pm.
Click on the player below to listen to the 30-minute interview. I'm sure that you'll find his concepts very interesting and enlightening.
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