Monday, September 27, 2010

Sales Pitch Palooza? What the heck?

Let's cut to the chase. People want to talk about their business, their products and services, and why you should do business with or hire them. This virtual pitch party / podcast will begin with 10 minutes of how to network and follow-up information followed by 20 minutes of blatant outright selling and solicitation (B.O.S.S.) from callers. People want to get the word out about what there selling and how their product/service is a "must-have." Those that want to strut their stuff and tell the world how hiring them as an employee or as an independent contractor is a good idea.

Tue, Sept. 21st, 2010 was the maiden voyage of the good ship the B.O.S.S. Sales Pitch Palooza.

This was the first of many to come, so give it a listen. The player is below.

All the best,

About Me

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I'm a 40-year-old corporate professional and home-based entreprenerur from Queens, New York. My day job is that of an operations manager for a major law firm. With my home-based business, I'm am an independent broker of various products and services relevant to my niche -- solopreneurs and home-based business owners. I also have to say that I'm pretty darn good at training people in relationship building, how to network, team building, and using certain follow-up tools.