Ahhhh... Wouldn't that be a great life? Well, emPOwering NOW LLC, can make it happen for you. Michael Wolf and Mahalene Louis are teaching a universal curriculum to end the illusion of separation and empowers the heart of conscious creativity. Their mission is to empower Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where all things are possible. They are based in Austin, TX.
What I like about the "M&M Connection" (i.e., Mahlene and Michael) is that they are real people who have truly been there and done that. They are not hokey folks who are just spewing theory. For instance, Michael has a great track-record in corporate sales and, and Mahlene dedicated more than two decades of her life making the esoteric easy to understand and practical to every day living.
Folks, I got to tell you, I come across A LOT of business coaches, but Michael and Mahlene are the real deal.
There is a lot of talk about the "Law of Attraction", and "The Secret", but I'd dare say Mahlene and Michael's Mini Intro to the Path of XPR to a great primer to put a lot of things into perspective. Check out this video:
Also, make sure to visit their website at www.EmpoweringNow.com.
All the best,
P.S. I had the pleasure of interviewing them on Tuesday, February 2, 2010.
Click on the player below to listen to the 60-minute interview. You can even download to your iPod or other MP3 device for listening on the go.