Carlos Gonzalez (aka "Big Los") is the owner and operator of Los Entertainment. His company organizes and promotes urban comedy shows and dance parties. He has been creating quality entertainment events since the early 1990s. Some big urban comedy names like Ruperto Vanderpool, Rob Stapleton, Freddie Ricks, and "The Gangsta of Comedy", Capone have graced the stage at his events. Join us for this show to learn how Big Los has been able to stay in the fore-front of bringing quality urban comedy and entertainment for more than 15 years.
Los's events are recession-proof - they only cost $10. That is a sweet deal! You get a buffet, live comedy, and slamming dance party.
Check out Los' website at to stay abreast of his upcoming events -
Here is an interview I did with Big Los on Tuesday, November 17th, 2009:
If you're into urban comedy and you're in the NYC tri-state area, you definitely want to check out Big Los' events. His website is
See you at the party!
Laughing out loud,
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