Randy Rosler
Trade: Brand Builder
Local Ad LinkContact Phone: 917 572-5088
Contact Email:
randy@randyrosler.comEveryone has a coach, and Randy Rosler is certainly one of mine. Randy Rosler is the person who pulled my coat to the power of using greeting cards as a very powerful way to open doors to get meeting and eventually sales from cold prospects.
When I was a litigation support sales representative back in 1997, Randy owned a company called IntroKnocks that had very unique greeting cards for sales people.
True story - using Randy's cards helped me make more than $10,000 per month back in 1997 - I swear on a stack of Bibles.
The point is that Randy has always shown me clever ways to boost sales so I wanted to let my genie out of the bottle and share him with you.
Click on the player below to listen to an interview that I did with Randy recently.
*****************************************************Below is a snapshot of what Randy is all about.
My Mission: To help people help themselves...through easy, cost-effective online advertising that attracts more people to you and your business.
The internet provides incredible opportunities to promote yourself, your business and your products/services to the customers who are actually searching for what you offer.
I'm committed to helping people create more customers simply by exposing their offer to the right audience. This is accomplished using a, unique and powerful new technology called Geo-Targeting.
"Geo-Targeting" we take your offer and put it "in front of" people who are searching online for your type of product or service.
I'm just as committed to helping Susan the Real Estate agent as I am helping Mario, the owner of a Pizza restaurant. They both need more business and both have limited budgets.
In a way, I'm the ultimate "Match Maker"! I bring people (businesses and customers) together.
Imagine that you are a Chiropractor whose business is on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and wants to target people in your neighborhood. Now imagine you are a resident of the Upper East Side [of Manhattan] searching online for information on Chiropractors...wouldn't it be nice if that Chiropractors ad was "pushed" to you because of your keywords "Chiropractic" combined with your zip code (from the Upper East Side)? That's exactly how this amazing service works.
To learn more about this wonderful service,
CLICK HERE. Also, I can be reached by the phone at 917.572.5088.
*****************************************************I hope that you find the tips useful.